

Home-base Enrichment Program

Home-base Enrichment Program

• Reservations for all field trips must be made on our website at • I understand that my center is allowed 3 field trips per fiscal year “August 1st –May 31st”. • Educational First Steps will allow 1 adult to 10 children; Parents/volunteers may attend the field trip but will be responsible to pay for their admission at the field trip entrance (Parents/Volunteers do not need to be included on field trip request) • Field trips should be reserved no later than two weeks prior to the field trip date • I understand that Educational First Steps’ field trips are for 4-5 year olds. The curriculum provided is not developmentally appropriate for children under the age of 4 • Field trips may only be taken during the allotted schedule from vendors • If my center is not able to attend the reserved field trip, I will give a 24 hour notice to Educational First Steps’ Administrative Assistant. Failure to do so will result in a charge of $25.00 non-cancellation fee to Educational First Steps • Teachers must not leave children in the care of the Field Trip providers at any time – center staff is responsible for the children at all times; including bathroom breaks Transportation is not provided.

is an affiliated partner with Educational First Steps. Upon this agreement, I agree and abide by all policies and procedures for all field trips provided by Educational First Steps. I have read and understand that if my center is not in compliance with all policies and procedures set by Educational First Steps or if I am in default 3 times within the 2017-2018 fiscal year, I will forfeit all field trips and not be eligible to attend any field trip until the next fiscal year. By electronically signing below I agree to all terms:

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